Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Went to the zoo the other day, and took my trusty Minolta with me. Well, I finally have a bag that's big enough to carry the brick. This means it can now come with me everywhere, and I've promised myself to start taking photos more regularly of anything interesting I see.

Anyway, the zoo..was fun, had a really nice day in the rain/sun/rain/sun. It was a well overdue trip since our overriduculouslyexpensive venture to the aquarium last year. I'd say the zoo beat the aquarium hands down. I mean, you actually had a pretty impressive aquarium within the zoo, and it was cheaper (although not by a lot).

Also, if anyone knows anything about why the image quality sucks this bad on blogspot, please tell me how I fix it. My scans look horrible on here.

...aaand ginger pig for Jesse! ^

On another note, I rather impulsively decided to head on down to Iceland for a couple of months to work and learn how to drive (finally) in the summer, so hopefully I'll have some spare time to take photos too. The summers in Iceland are so perfect for me, the weather is beautiful and it's just the right temperature. Although, I'm not sure everyone would agree.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Count the fingers

I was on my way to pick up my photos this morning before work and I started feeling really nervous about what they were going to be like for some reason.. the film was so experimental, and I was honestly expecting to hate the result. But I didn't. I am really pleased, and I don't think I've ever had a film before where I liked pretty much all of the photos. This is partly why I've overloaded this blog with tonnes of these pictures, but it's also because I wanted to upload all of the ones I loved, liked, and kind of liked for the models to see.

Well anyway.. these were taken last Monday night in the studio of the lovely miss Jesse, with her and Amy (who I shot last time) modelling. Fez, a friend of ours and a really really talented hair stylist and MUA came later on and did their hair, (which you can't see very clearly because of all the double shots, but trust me it was hot) so we were all pretty much set. But me being me had no idea where the charger for my DSLR was, so with a dead battery I had to make do with the only option left.. my trusty, yet crappy, point and shoot minolta brick. Like I said earlier, I didn't know what was going on with it, as it has no settings other than flash on/off, but sometimes it just performs miracles. This means that everyones effort hadn't gone wasted, and we have achieved some lovely shots in the end of it all. So with many many thanks to my talented collaborators, here are the shots.

Although, please do go to my flickr where I'll upload my favourites, as they look pretty bad on here. Enjoy:

Oh and in case anyone didn't understand, these are in-camera double exposures.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I just wanted to share a few examples of old illustrations/paintings that I did before deciding photography was to be more important.

I don't draw or paint anymore, ever really. This is a shame for many reasons, but mostly because it makes me look pretty stupid for just giving up like that. I mean, I used to draw constantly up to the age of about 17, and now that drive is just totally gone. Sometimes I look at what I've done and feel like it could really go in some interesting directions..and then I remember how frustrating I find the whole process and I've already given up. And that's what I really love about photography.. it's so forgiving and you can be as meticulous or free as you wish. Not that you can't be with drawing or painting..but it's probably more that I like to let myself mess up when it comes to photography. Makes it personal without looking like shit. Well, for the most part anyways!

So, I still have this fantasy in the back of my head that I will start drawing, and god forbid, even painting again..but instead of making me angry and frustrated, it will make me happy once again. Dream on Lazy.

I have a couple of films I'm getting developed this week that are very experimental. I have no idea what they'll be like, which is exciting and scary at the same time! I'm just hoping I'll have something to work with.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

daisy chain

Kind of loving these UES hi-tops...but is it enough to make me fall in love with trainers all over again?
Oh yes, but kind of not. I think since ditching the sneaks and adopting more feminine footwear, my wardrobe has done a complete 180, and my style has become too girly, and cutesy (for the most part.) I do really miss the comfort of trainers though, and the way I'd be able to wear some pairs for years, without them completely falling apart.

But yeah, I don't think I would say no to these..they'd be brilliant for a little juxtaposition in the ol' closet. I think I like the messy chain/lace ratio the most ...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chan Marshall

Cat Power is probably my favourite lady in music..no question. Recently (for a while actually), I've been going backwards, listening to all the old music I used to listen to years ago, and remembering how much I love it. Miss Marshall is a bit of an odd one out for me because her music is just so intense and emotional..but her voice is just so amazing. Her persona is interesting too..like a character from a low budget indie film about crazy self destructive but lovable teens.

I have also been lusting over fingerless leather gloves like she's wearing above ^ but where could I get such a pair? Ebay only conjures up cheap looking versions, and internet shopping is too complicated for someone like me.

Anyway, I desperately need to get back in the photography game..I have been far less than active recently, to say the least. I can't tell why... I have ideas, the time, and willing models. No excuse! I promise I'll get on it.
