Saturday, May 9, 2009

Count the fingers

I was on my way to pick up my photos this morning before work and I started feeling really nervous about what they were going to be like for some reason.. the film was so experimental, and I was honestly expecting to hate the result. But I didn't. I am really pleased, and I don't think I've ever had a film before where I liked pretty much all of the photos. This is partly why I've overloaded this blog with tonnes of these pictures, but it's also because I wanted to upload all of the ones I loved, liked, and kind of liked for the models to see.

Well anyway.. these were taken last Monday night in the studio of the lovely miss Jesse, with her and Amy (who I shot last time) modelling. Fez, a friend of ours and a really really talented hair stylist and MUA came later on and did their hair, (which you can't see very clearly because of all the double shots, but trust me it was hot) so we were all pretty much set. But me being me had no idea where the charger for my DSLR was, so with a dead battery I had to make do with the only option left.. my trusty, yet crappy, point and shoot minolta brick. Like I said earlier, I didn't know what was going on with it, as it has no settings other than flash on/off, but sometimes it just performs miracles. This means that everyones effort hadn't gone wasted, and we have achieved some lovely shots in the end of it all. So with many many thanks to my talented collaborators, here are the shots.

Although, please do go to my flickr where I'll upload my favourites, as they look pretty bad on here. Enjoy:

Oh and in case anyone didn't understand, these are in-camera double exposures.


  1. Oh my gosh, sweets. I love every single one. I could just sit and stare forever.

  2. irisirisiris...these are brilliant! we have to continue! nice one lovely x

  3. thank you darlings! I am in love with the effect, I have started thinking of so many ideas of how i could use it more!...Jesse, we have lots of photography fun ahead of us ;) x

